Friday 8 August 2014

Sachin Tendulkar and Rekha not attending the Parliament regularly

On Thursday, NCP MP, D.P. Tripathi raised the issue of Sachin and Rekha not being regular in terms of attendance to the Rajya Sabha since they have been nominated to the house. He said that although   he admires both the personalities and appreciate their work in their respective fields but still, it does not give them a right to skip the proceeding of the house and in turn dishonour the same.

Speaking on the remarks made by Mr. Tripathi and issues raised by a few other members, deputy chairman of the house Mr. P.J. Kurien gave out the following statement, “As per Article 104 of the Constitution, if a member is absent from either House of Parliament for a period of 60 days then the seat is considered vacant. In case of Sachin Tendulkar, he has not attended the Parliament for 40 days whereas Rekha’s absence is less than this,” he observed.

Mr. Kurien also stated that Mr. Tendulkar was nominated to the upper house in April 2012 and has attended the session for three days. “Last time he had come to the House on December 13, 2013,”

About Ms. Rekha, he stated that she had joined in April 2012 and has attended the session for seven days. “Last time she attended the House on February 19, 2014.”

A few members had also stated that the cricketing legend should contribute more the proceeding to the house and should try to be more proactive in the house.


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