It felt good to hear a national leader and in this case the to be Prime minister of India Shri Narendra Bhai Modi giving a speech in Hindi in the central hall of Parliament. Today BJP announced that Mr. Modi would be sworn in as the 14th Prime-minister of the nation on the 26th of May, 2014.
For the first time in the history one would have seen a to be Prime-minister touch the steps of the parliament as if he is entering a temple premises. It was evident from the moment that Shri Nrendra Modi got down from his SUV that he was in a very emotional state of mind.
After Shri Lalkrishna Advani, nominated him as the PM from BJP, Rajnath Singh invited Narendra Bhai to the dais to address all the BJP leaders, he started by thanking everyone for showing faith in him. Moving on he become very emotional and called for water; he said that he has not done any favours (Kripa) on BJP; he went on to say that like India is his Mother, BJP is also his Mother and a son never does favours for his mother, a son can only serve his mother. He thanked everyone for giving him an opportunity to serve his Mother Land and his Mother BJP.
The way Narendra Bhai entered the parliament house adds to the belief of people that, he is the person who is poised to take India to new heights, a person who not only speaks but believes in the concept of serving the motherland from the heart, a person who is poised to take any action necessary to bring glory to our nation.

Watch the complete speech.
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