A few voices have surely come out that we were behind the Chinese and have only been able to evacuate Indians after 8 days of China evacuating Chinese citizens on the 31st of March. But what one fails to understand is the difference in the number of people being evacuated.
(06.04.2015) Indian Navy Ship INS Sumitra at Djibouti Port for #YemenEvacuation (visuals deferred by two days) pic.twitter.com/uNWnOjE7sD
— ANI (@ANI_news) April 7, 2015
China evacuated less than 350 people, while India had a mammoth task at hand and finally it evacuated more than 4000 people, not only from India but from Germany, Ireland and many more. As per the statement by the ministry of external affairs 26 countries including the all mighty United Sates of America had requested India to aide evacuation of its citizens from the conflict zone in Yemen. Unlike the Chinese, Indians made sure that people are given ample time to report and thus the operation ran for more days.
We really appreciate this a lot: British national evacuated from Yemen by Air India #YemenEvacuation pic.twitter.com/Aps9OhVc1T
— ANI (@ANI_news) April 8, 2015
Ret. Gen. V K Singh, was overlooking the operations and made San'na his base for two days during the excercise, the level of commitment shown by the ex-service man, who is currently serving as a high ranking minister is exemplary. He took charge of the situation and made sure that no Indian Plane is denied permission to land in Yemen. With a senior person manning the forward base, things flowed smoothly and Indian citizens were swiftly brought out of the conflict zone along with many more people.
And d thankU s have started to come in!
Gr8 job @MEAIndia
Hope MSM makes it a topStory pic.twitter.com/CSELmW47Ev
— Ritu4India (@RITURATHAUR) April 7, 2015
That look on the face of CNN commentators..
US: India will help Americans Leave Yemen
#YemenEvacuation pic.twitter.com/M9iD7BBpu7
— Ritu4India (@RITURATHAUR) April 7, 2015
The operation employed two Indian Navy war ships INS Mumbai and INS Tarkash, along with the war ships Air India, the national carrier from the country also pitched in and helped immensely in evacuating people from Yemen. The Indian Air Force also deployed it's two Jumbo Jets to bring people back to India and Indian Railways provided special trains/coaches for people to go back to their native homes.The operation concluded on today with the last plane leaving from Sannaa international airport with evacuees bound to India. The complete operation provide ample time to all the people willing to leave the conflict zone and head back to safely to their homeland.
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