Sunday 26 April 2015

When Earth Started Shaking....... Pity on people who make fun of the disaster....

Nepal was hit hard by an earthquake just a few days back and the aftershocks have made things worse, on top of it incessant rains are causing all types of troubles for the people who are out in the open because of fear. I always thought that how bas it could be, I was on the 8th floor of a building when it happened and when I realised it is an earthquake I was terrified. I ran along with others on my floor through stairs in the process asking hotel staff to move out with us as well.

When we all were out safely, we laughed about it and decided not to go upstairs again to our rooms. Within a few hours of the earthquake, people started sharing jokes about the same, my humble request to all those people who have not experienced it to refrain from talking about it, because when earth shakes it is the most horrible feeling that you have. People loose their loved ones and the life takes an unexpected turn towards the unknown.

People making fun by sharing Rajnikant Jokes or jokes based on a porn actress, do not realise that the misery is much bigger than the crappy jokes they share. We have been hearing a lot about the being human and being sensitive towards humans, moments like these call for all of us to be together and at least prey for the people caught in the disaster. These disasters are not a joke and they should never be treated like one. The people who lost their lives were fellow humans and were as alive as we are right now, they had kids, parents, friends and families like we do; the disaster has left them without any of them and also destroyed their means of livelihood.

A lot of people will not read what is written above and would just pass, but if you happen to read this, kindly observe 30 seconds of prayer and silence for the departed souls....

Kindly Decide, what you want to do....

Respect Life and do not make jokes........


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