Tuesday 18 August 2015

Giving a platform to Young Ideators, The Dream Startup Challenge 2015

India is at the cusp of an economic boom and this boom is being powered by the new age enterprise more than the conventional industries. This boom is inline with the vision of our current Prime Minister of a developed India, with campaigns like Make in India, this vision is all set to become a reality.

In line with this thought process a group of young and dynamic individuals from Bhopal, who are a part of Young Indians, the youth wing of CII have tied up with AISECT and launched the Dream Startup Challenge 2015. This is not just a business plan competition, but a competition which is designed in a way to equip budding ideators and innovators with knowledge and support to take their business or idea to the next level.

The idea behind the event is to provide new age entrepreneurs from non-metro cities with a platform to showcase their ideas and take them to the next level and in the process create a eco-system for them to harness their skills in this ever competitive world. more information about the challenge is available on their website: http://dreamstartupchallenge.com/

The ‘ Dream Start up Challenge’ is an initiative by Bhopal chapter of YI ( Young Indians ) & CII ( Confederation of Indian Industries ) to promote Entrepreneurship & Innovation in Central India. India is in a middle of entrepreneurial tide. The entire world is sitting up and taking note of the vibrant energy possessed by Indian youth. However what we are seeing is just a tip of an iceberg. There are so many success stories that are brewing beneath the surface in the tier 2 and tier 3 towns but more often or not are nipped in the bud because the entrepreneur from smaller cities does not get the same exposure and eco system that is available to someone in cities like Bangalore, Pune, Mumbei, Delhi etc.

Dream Start up is an Endeavour to not only showcase the entrepreneurial talent that is available in a cities like Bhopal but also to support & hand hold the entrepreneurs through the process of formulating a sustainable business model and providing them with the appropriate audience that can help them take their ventures to the next level.

The Dream Start up Challenge has two components, viz

  • The Business Plan Competition for ideation and early stage startups. Eligible ventures will get mentorship for 2 months before the present their B plans to a panel of Investors , industrialists & academicians to win attractive prizes
  • The Start up Expo for all operating startups where they can showcase their ventures in an expo style format to Investors , industrialists & academicians


  • The applicant should be Indian resident
  • The venture should not be registered earlier than 1st June 2010.
  • The annual turnover should not be more than Rs. 2 crore in any financial year since the inception of the venture.
  • Students / ideation stage startups with good workable ideas, with an intention to start the venture in near future may also apply.
  • Applicants / ventures not qualifying as per the eligibility criteria may also apply for getting accommodated in the startup expo. They would however will not be allowed to participate in the competition.

The competition is deliberately restricted to Early stage and Beta stage startups in order to provide opportunity and encouragement to Young minds through Incubation and cash prizes. However, Young Indians would love to provide a platform to all the start ups, irrespective of age or financials, to showcase their potential and their hard work to the business world. Hence we encourage you to register and apply even if you do not qualify for the competition. If your venture is shortlisted, you would get an opportunity to showcase your venture to host of VCs / Angel investors, Govt officials , Industry leaders and to the world at large at the grand START UP EXPO being organized on 21st & 22nd November 2015.


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